Sunday 11 February 2007

Story Mind Map

Puppet show
Set Design
Futuristic Design

Toy Mind Map

Key words:
Kinetic art
Opt art
Illusion of motion
Persistance of vision

6 x 3 Mind Map

This mind map is based on my '6 x 3' questions and answers. The map uncovered three prominant themes; toys, story telling and bricolage. I will explore these ideas further in the maps that follow.

6 x 3 Questions and Answers

3 most interesting pieces of cultural detritus:
  1. Typewriter

  2. Walkman

  3. Old money

3 favourite objects:
  1. My car

  2. My computer

  3. My telephone

3 most useful methods:
  1. Mind mapping

  2. Practical research

  3. Group discussion

3 favourite places:
  1. Home

  2. Grandmothers house

  3. The beach

3 most pressing issues:
  1. Global warming

  2. Animal cruelty/testing

  3. War

6 x 3 Questions and Answers

3 favourite quotes:

'We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams.'
- Willy Wonka

'We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.'
- Oscar Wilde

'Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.'
- Dr Seuss

Research Project

Initial Ideas