Monday 26 February 2007

Interactive Installation Proposal

This brief is about raising awareness and providing information on animal conservation in a new and interesting way. I will attempt to engage my target audience by involving them and encouraging them to take part in an activity that blends non-digital art and design with digital media. I intend to produce an installation piece that is fun and entertaining but at the same time edifying.

The intended audiences for this brief are men and women between the ages of 18 and 25, who are perhaps likely to go traveling and witness the exploitation and abuse of wild animals in countries like Thailand first hand. In terms of protecting primates and discouraging their use within the tourist trade, I could hope to dissuade my audience to partake in activities that parade primates as a form of amusement.

I will need to research the different issues surrounding animal conservation and decide upon the area that I wish to campaign. Other research will include a look at existing installation artists and practitioners concerned with interface design. Campaigners have long been working to put an end to the suffering and slaughter of wild animals, I therefore consider it appropriate that my work have elements of old fashioned, retro aesthetics, signifying that the detrimental attitudes towards wild animals are and should now be a thing of the past. I will explore old printing methods and other long established techniques. As well as portraying the historical context of my subject matter I also hope to exhibit a contemporary look at the state of animal conservation and the steps that we can take to aid the preservation of our wildlife.

I will also consider how kinetic art could be a feature of my installation and facilitate the connection between the digital and the non-digital elements.