Thursday 22 February 2007


Animals often learn by association. I could educate and raise awareness about animal conservation by creating a human intelligence test that gives the user a shock when they answer a question wrong and a reward when they answer a question correctly. This scenario places the human in a situation similar to that of a animal in a laboratory. The incorrectly answered question could not only result in a physical shock but a series of mentally shocking images could be flashed on screen e.g primates killed for bush meat.

The Pain Machine Game

Initial Ideas - Notes

From a posotive or negative viewpoint, set up a minature representation of an animal behavioural test like the 'Skinner Box' (connected to the computer, recording/displaying data in an interesting way).

Or set up a human version of an animal intelligence test. Like the Skinner box, use tiny electric shocks to coax a certain behavior/action.

Or invent a new type of interactive animal toy to provide animals with entertainment/food rewards/training.
