Monday 12 February 2007

Research Idea

I am interested in kinetic art and how artists have incorporated movement into their work, introducing the element of time, reflecting the importance of the machine and technology in the modern world and exploring the nature of vision.

Kinetic Art was very popular during the 1950's and 60's. The Sixties are possibly the most representative era of a time when society and design was most influenced by technology and this is reflected through the work of the kinetic artists.

Kinetic art was a movement that essentially represented "art in motion". Kinetic artists wanted to work with art that would enable them to demonstrate the force and power of movement. They moved away from "conventional" artwork and didn’t use any of the traditional painting or sculpting tools. Kinetic art utilised the many different avenues of art. Eventually, the well-developed style and creativity of Kinetic Art was passed on to other artists. Op Art, Conceptual Art, and Minimalism would each use some part of Kinetic Art in representing their ideas.

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